I recently purchased the Rose, Spirea, Fern Bush Bouquet along with several combination color bouquets, including the Blue/Cream Peonies and Orange/Rust/Peach variations. I was delighted to find that I could mix and match from all these bouquets to create several unique wreath designs. While I found the lilies in some bundles not to my liking and discarded them, the quality of the peonies in all the bouquets stood out to me.
In the case of the Rose, Spirea, Fern Bush Bouquet, I did not care for the roses and opted to remove them. However, I made full use of the berries and mini flowers, incorporating them into a creation and use with some leftover cream peonies from another bundle. Utilizing all the bundle bouquets, I crafted multiple wreaths and was genuinely impressed with the quality of the flowers I used and the final look of each wreath I produced.
Overall, I found these bouquets to be versatile and of good quality, making them ideal for various creative projects. I would recommend them to anyone looking to design beautiful and unique floral or wreath arrangements.